About — Lisa Munro

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Hey there. I’m Lisa.


Historian. Writer. Editor.

Hey, let’s chat about how to get you published.

Some things we can talk about:

  • academic editing

  • faculty writing development

  • writing coaching

  • formatting your dissertation

Most people know me as an academic publication consultant and writing coach. What you may not know about me is that over the years since earning my PhD but working as an entrepreneur outside official academic spaces, I've struggled with getting my own ideas out into the world. I used to think that academic publication wasn't for people like me. I spent way too many years feeling like my scholarship wasn’t good enough for publication. Even though I've always felt like a writer, I quit writing because of fear and shame about and persistent questions about who the hell was I to even try to get published. What I've learned is that spending years paralyzed wondering if my ideas or writing were good enough for publication wasn't actually helping me get my writing projects out the door and into the world and did nothing to help me feel like the productive writer I wanted to be. Instead, I decided to muster no small amount of moxie, follow my own unique intellectual passions, sharpen my writing skills, and get published as often as I could.

Here’s why I do what I do. Because too many underrepresented scholars are struggling against structural inequalities in academic spaces, their vitally important intellectual work goes unpublished and unrecognized. I teach them to transform their ideas into powerful and publishable scholarship to change the way we think about the world around us to help us solve the most urgent challenges of our time.

You can learn more about me by checking out my media kit by clicking below.

True confessions…

I never finished high school and don’t have a GED either. Please don’t ask me to do math.

I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Guatemala from 2004-2006 and I have STORIES. It was both a life-changing and complicated experience and I’m still thinking about what it all means.

I am apparently addicted to awesome alliteration!

I make my own roads. I’ve moonlighted as a PhD student, a medical receptionist, a veterinary technician, a disaster mental health team member, a victim advocate, a study abroad director, and am currently the master of my own destiny with my own business.

I’m still working on my own scholarship. I’m currently working on an article and my first book manuscript.

Aquí se habla español. I sometimes dream in Spanish. I feel like I have it in me to learn one more language and I’m now trying to learn French.

I currently live in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. I’ve been here since 2018 and I’m not sure if I’ll ever live stateside again.

My retirement plan is to get a herd of dairy goats and teach them to be pack goats and take them on hikes with people around the Colorado mountains. This is not a joke!


“Lisa created a kind and thoughtful editing space that both helped me improve as a writer, and gain a little confidence in my own writing. She is a superb editor and I would suggest her to anyone.”

-T.T. Editing Client