Media Kit — Lisa Munro

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Photo credit: AK Photo, Denver

Photo credit: AK Photo, Denver


I'm an entrepreneur with a PhD in history. I own a small, independent writing business. I help academic writers get more writing done with less shame and greater joy.

I host writing retreats in Mexico and Guatemala to provide safe, collaborative spaces for writers to take creative risks in their work. I coach writers to help them use their own creativity and ingenuity to create strategies to reach their writing goals. I also provide academic editing services to scholars in the humanities.

Areas of Expertise and Research

I speak and write about the following topics:

  • Latin American history

  • Guatemala, early 20th century to present

  • Adoption and adoption history

  • State violence against families and children

  • Neoliberalism

  • Trauma and victim advocacy

  • Writing processes

  • Study abroad and non-traditional learning

  • Transitioning from academia to self-employment

  • Creative risk and big life changes

  • Pseudo-science, eugenics history

  • Student debt

Selected Publications

Research profile available at ORCID

  • Munro, Lisa L. “Come and See Guatemala at Macy’s! Indigenous Aesthetics and Informal Empire on Display in the Heart of the American Home.” Journal of Cultural Economy 15, no. 2 (September 21, 2021): 184–99.

  • Munro, Lisa. “Crafting the Secrets of the Ancient Maya: Media Representations of Archaeological Exploration and the Cultural Politics of US Informal Empire in 1920s Yucatan.” Bulletin of the History of Archaeology 31, no. 1 (May 10, 2021): 3.


  • Guest speaker talk at Horizons by Hopkins 2022 conference (November 16, 2023). Johns Hopkins University.

  • Keynote address at Beyond Academia conference, “The Opportunity of Crisis,” University of California, Berkeley (March 1, 2019).

Additional Professional Development

  • Developmental Editing for Academics, online course (Teachable). Manuscript Works (2021).

  • Sacred Depths Foundational Level Coach Training, Joanna Lindenbaum (2021).
