Academic Editing Services
Ever wish someone would teach you all of the powerful writing strategies you never learned in graduate school? If you’re struggling to bring your ideas, research, and writing together with a bang, let’s talk.
This is exactly how you don’t want readers feel about your writing. I mean, I wouldn’t keep reading. Would you?
Let’s face it: academic writing often gets a bad rap as being excruciating to read. Ever feel like you need a dictionary and several years just to decipher a sentence? (Seriously, what does,"In the intricate web of discursive formations, the panopticon of power surreptitiously orchestrates the epistemic trajectory of subjugated bodies, perpetually inscribing the contours of knowledge through the surveillance of embodied subjectivities.” EVEN MEAN???*)
When you’re trying to communicate your important idea, the last thing you want is for readers to feel frustrated and walk away because they can’t understand what you’re trying to say. But it happens all the time. Academic writers lose readers because their writing often feels like it’s full of jargon, tortured sentences, and big words to make up for small ideas. If you’ve ever read an academic book or article and thought, “This writer has no freaking idea what they’re actually talking about?!” you’re not alone. That’s that’s exactly how most readers feel about poor academic writing. It’s hard to understand, frustrating to read, and easy to dismiss the ideas (even if they’re great!) as not worth the effort.
but Here’s the straight sh*t: it’s not your fault you’re struggling.
I’m guessing you’re feeling pretty frustrated with your own writing abilities. I mean, you’ve got a bunch of good ideas, but what’s not coming out in your writing? Clarity.
Your graduate program failed you because it never taught you the skills you needed to develop to bring your important ideas to readers in language that they can understand. You’re supposed to have somehow just magically learned writing skills along the way (from reading other people’s poor academic writing?). Too many academic writers just like you have never learned (because no one’s ever just sat you down and taught you) how to create compelling academic prose that turns your good ideas into great scholarship.
Let’s fix that. Like, right now. Today.
Look at all those great ideas!
Academic writing doesn’t have to be like this. I believe that academic writing can be engaging, interesting to read, and help us understand the world around us a little better. I want to empower you with the writing skills you need to learn to create exactly that kind of prose.
When your writing engages readers, your ideas get them excited and invested in what you have to say. When your writing feels clear, we’ll immediately understand your great ideas rather than struggling to make it through yet another paragraph-long sentence without a life boat.
And that, my friend, is how you start changing people’s ideas about the world.
How would you like to receive feedback on your writing style that feels empowering (rather than the crushing kind that makes you cry) and leaves you with clear and actionable steps to take to improve your writing? Get ready to say goodbye to lifeless passive voice sentences, boring verbs, and lousy sentence structures. Instead, let’s get you on the path to writing sentences that sing!
Book a call to talk about how we can work together to enhance your writing.
*totally made up sentence, but did you wonder for a just a second if you should know who wrote that? :)
Let’s turn your soggy sentences into strong scholarship.
Dissertation Formatting Services
One of the worst parts of writing a dissertation is formatting a dissertation. (It’s arguably the hardest part of the whole thing.) You’ve done all of the research and writing, but now you need to compile your dissertation into a single document. Your institution will want you to standardize all of the spacing, insert the images (Word is THE WORST about this), create multiple tables of contents, and get three different kinds of page numbers to work together in a single document. And you need to do this while running around trying to collect signatures from absent faculty members and file endless forms and YOU’RE JUST TRYING TO GRADUATE for crying out loud.
If formatting your dissertation has you in tears (no, really, lots of people find themselves crying at this stage) because Word has yet AGAIN borked the pagination or images, let me and my team take care of the formatting while you focus on doing what you need to do to graduate. You send over your chapters and formatting instructions; we send you back a beautifully formatted PDF copy of your dissertation for submission.
Click below to request dissertation formatting services.
Have we met?
I’m Lisa Munro, PhD.
I’m the trusted academic publication consultant and editor that writers turn to when they’re fed up with failure and ready to learn to write clear and compelling prose.