Writing Retreats — Lisa Munro

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Current Writing Retreats


Welcome to the Inspired Online Writing Retreat!

“For me, accountability to others to hold to my writing deadlines is essential. The Inspired Online Writing Retreat gave me a practical schedule for the day and the all important accountability to Lisa and the other participants. I also found that Lisa’s guidance, as she carefully listened and responded to our online discussion especially helpful. She offered lots of gentle reminders about how tough the writing process can be, support for how to overcome the obstacles, and she cheered us all on, make me want to keep writing!”


Inspired Online Writing Retreat, $47


Come join my one-day online writing retreat and get some serious writing done! If you've ever found yourself isolated, alone, and struggling with your writing, imagine how much different writing might feel if you had some dedicated and structured time plus awesome community support.

Get ready to get inspired!

“Lisa’s online retreat was refreshing! Not only was I able to write, but it also let me connect with a community of people who were going through the same things as me, emotionally, operationally... Lisa expertly guided us through the mine field that is writing and left me inspired to continue the journey on our own (with a little help from our friends - and support and network, of course!)”