Lisa Munro

How would you like to learn the KEY rhetorical move you need to get published? Click to here to learn more.

Ever wish that someone would finally teach you how to be the effective, productive, and PUBLISHED scholar you wish you were?

Too many scholars still aren’t get their ideas out into the world because they were never taught how to bring their brilliant ideas, writing, and research together into publishable scholarship. I empower academic writers by teaching them to how to develop the knowledge, tools, and skills to get their work published to contribute to a richer, broader understanding of the human experience and impact how we understand the world around us.

Hey there. I’m Lisa Munro, PhD.

I’m the academic publication coach for humanities and social sciences scholars struggling to get their ideas heard. I help them transform their promising ideas into powerful and published scholarship so they can revolutionize how we think about the world.

Whether you want to get hired, tenured, or promoted, I’ll teach you develop your ideas into ones that matter and write about them with clarity and confidence that gets you published.

Learn more about how you can develop your good ideas into great scholarship to make an real impact in your field.

If you’re struggling to write about your ideas with clarity and confidence, let’s fix that.

Book me to speak at your event or facilitate a writing workshop for graduate students and faculty.


Hey there,

I'm Lisa Munro, Ph.D.

I’m the go-to academic publication consultant that scholars turn to when they’re fed up trying to guess the secret handshakes of academic writing and its archaic genre conventions through the popular but often ineffective school of “you’ll just figure it out.” (Like, how? Osmosis? I don’t know.)

I’m inviting you to my revolution, which involves teaching you step-by-step methods to master the rhetorical and writing skills that you never learned in graduate school or in whatever professional development workshops your institution provides. I’ll help you develop your diamonds-in-the-rough inklings into big ideas that shine and better yet, how to strategize to get your work published and read by the audiences you want.

You want your ideas to make an impact on how we think about the world around us, but I’m guessing that you’re struggling to figure out how to bring your ideas, research, and writing together with a bang. That’s exactly where I come in. Let me teach you how.


“If you are looking to make real progress with your writing in a supportive, nurturing environment her writing retreats are for you. You will be amazed at how her retreats, advice, and support help you recognize and kick resistance to the curb and embrace your work."