Next Level Inspiration Sales Page — Lisa Munro

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Next Level Inspiration Academic Writing Coaching Program

academic writing coaching program

You’re buried.

If you’re like most academics, you’re buried under a million demands on your time, whether as a graduate student, new professor, or even tenured faculty member. You’re juggling curriculum development, syllabi writing, teaching courses, mentoring students, grading, sitting on committees, sitting in endless meetings, and the constant pressure of research requirements to advance your career.

Oh, and you’re also trying to have a life? In the middle of a pandemic?

I’m guessing that you’re either exhausted or burned out or both.

In the middle of this mayhem, you’re supposed to be writing, but who actually has time for that?

Maybe your writing practice has ground to a halt entirely. Or maybe you’re only writing in frantic binges at the last minute.


Writing, the most important thing you can do for your career is dead last on your to-do list and never seems to get done. Your writing projects are constantly hanging over your head. Guilt, shame, and fear follow you around like a dark cloud.


What if it were possible to create a productive, sustainable, and joyful writing practice without setting your life on fire?


If you’re wondering how you’re supposed to pull off the miracle of getting writing done by yourself, allow me to let you in on a secret.

You don’t need to do this alone.

It’s okay to ask for help.

With a little support, community, and structure, you can be the productive writer you want to be.


Meet the Next Level Inspiration Academic Writing Coaching Program.

Together, we can build a writing practice for you that works.

I’ve developed a 6-month academic writing coaching program for you that helps you prioritize what’s important to you and find the time to write.

This is a structured system of support that helps you get your writing DONE without ugly crying.

private coaching group

Writing is always better when you feel like you’re part of a team. You’ve got a private community at your fingertips for that all-important accountability and to cheer you on!

weekly office hours

Unstructured office time with me to work through your writing blocks and move forward in your writing.

1:1 Coaching Calls

Let’s make a personal plan for your success! Discover what’s really holding you back from getting your writing done (it’s usually not what you think). Work through roadblocks. Stop self-sabotage. Reclaim your voice. Write.

structured community writing time

Two monthly writing retreats plus structured community writing events throughout the week.

monthly writer’s workshops

Need feedback? Let’s get you in the editorial hot seat and workshop your writing. Get kind and constructive feedback from your fellow writers.

Extra goodies

Worksheets, workshops, inspiration, connection, and so much love and support for your writing.


Bonus add on! Get a six-week training on managing your research with Zotero for $139. Save time, stop looking for your notes, do more research, get more done.

Let’s reach for the stars together.