goals — Blog — Lisa Munro

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How to Reach Goals When You Don't Feel Like It

How to Reach Goals When You Don't Feel Like It

In popular imagination, we assume that people’s passion and singular desire for their goals keep them focused on moving towards their goals. We also like to think that sheer determination and persistence (”grit” in popular parlance) is the reason that some people reach goals and other don’t. In reality, no matter how much you want Thing X and how determined you are to get it, your feelings about it will change. In fact, if you’re anything like me, you won’t actually even like your goal much of the time, no matter how much you want it. Your feelings alone are not enough to keep you on track to reaching your goals. You need structure.

Rewriting My Money(Love) Story

Rewriting My Money(Love) Story

When you start getting serious about turning your desperation into inspiration (which has pretty much been my process over the last year or so), you start thinking about what’s holding you back from all different kinds of things. As always, the things that hold us back in life are usually ourselves. Money, for me, is tangled up with a whole lot of other emotionally charged things, including love and food